I've definitely adjusted to the braces, as best as one can adjust. Eating a hamburger remains a challenge; it feels like more of the bun gets caught in the braces than I actually eat. Chewing soft foods, such as bread, is really odd. I kind of move the bite to my molars and have at it until it's reasonably ready to be swallowed. I don't get the taste sensation I'm used to. Rather, I'm experiencing a facsimile taste, a reminder-of-bread taste.
In a dark moment, wondering what health problems lie in store for me as I age, it occurred to me braces are a voluntary modification to my body. It turns out Vicki's aunt, with whom we are staying while vacationing in Salt Lake City, had braces in her 50s. She held out the promise that when it's all done it will well be worth it. The cynical part of me could only respond, 'That's what they keep telling me.'
And I still haven't gotten my mind around the real reason why I'm doing this: the jaw device that will open the back of my throat so I can breath better at night, reducing my mild sleep apnea. What if that device is terribly uncomfortable? Yet another adjustment I'll have to make.
On the bright side, I've gotten really good at re-using my floss loops. I've used one loop for 4 days now. That could make the 8 I have remaining last nearly to February. Maybe my goal should be to make them last to my next appointment, when I can pick up more.
Another thought. The flouride rinse bottle holds 532 ml. I use 10 ml per night. So the bottle will last for 53 rinses. I'll need a little more than 5 bottles for my 270 day treatment. I'll keep tabs on how many bottles I use to see if I'm right.
And I do need to give myself credit. 3 weeks down, and I've done the hygiene routine every single night. Also, I can hardly wait until Dr. W or Alda takes out my wire. I am going to insist on flossing all my teeth!
249 days to go!