Saturday, December 18, 2010

Day 13: Eating Pretzels!

They lay there on the shelf, forlorn in their yellow bag, visible through the small, clear plastic window. Everytime I saw them in the pantry I felt a little, melancholy tug inside. Someday I'll get to eat them again. But when? When will the pain abate, so I could actually munch something as hard and crunchy as pretzels?

Tonight I decided to try them. I haven't felt real mouth pain in a few days. Eating can still be a delicate, slow experience. I still need to cut my foods, especially something like beef, into small pieces. Even soft foods like bread don't go down with the same ease they used to. But at least I can eat most anything.

So after a bout with the checking account -- adding missing transactions in preparation for the year end summaries -- I decided to splurge. I fixed up a Rob Roy and, throwing caution to the wind, went for the pretzels. As a precaution, I broke them into small pieces.

And guess what? They sure are good!

257 days (34 shabbatot) to go!

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