Saturday, December 11, 2010

Day 6: We're Stuck With Each Other

I managed to keep my wire in the bracket. I did this by cheating a little bit; I'm not flossing the back tooth, so I have no chance of popping out the wire. I'm making sure to get that space with the intermodal wire and brushing.

Hygiene is going better over all. Took less time tonight. But I can't say we (braces and I) had a shabbat shalom. More of a day of putting up with each other than a day of peace. I mawed my food, cutting small bites of my chicken, eating soft bread, avoiding my granola breakfast. I got brave and mixed some granola crumbs into soy yogurt this morning.

Pain has reach a kind of static level of discomfort. As long as I don't bite I'm fine. And overall, this is a great diet. My stomach is already looking flatter. Just can't eat as much as I need to!

Oh, must say that my gin & tonic helped the pain a bit. Dr. W might want to recommend that to all his patients!

264 days to go.

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