Sunday, December 12, 2010

Day 7: 75% of You Can Stay

I would say I became 75% pain free today. That means the only place it hurts is on the lower left jaw, and particularly when I bite. But I can chew pretty well on the other side, and even on the painful side I can choke down some vegetables. Croutons were no problem at dinner tonight, if I kept them to the right, for example.

Don't think I'm ready to be the poster child for happy bracing. The no. 6 bracket on the upper left is a real annoyance. Sharp, and it seems to jut out a little. I can't sleep on the left side without wax. The no. 7 bracket on that side is also in the rogue's gallery. Very pointy where the wire ends. That's also the one that popped out twice. I'm giving it wide berth. I did manage to floss the gap between 6 and 7 tonight.

I tried having Vicki, my wife, take a picture of my jaw. Couldn't get close enough to see anything. Macro feature didn't work too well on the camera. I'll have Joanna at work try a photo tomorrow morning. Everyone at the office of Dr. W raves about the Internet guy who took a photo every day and made a video out of it. Here's an 11 year old girl whose mouth transforms in 18 months. (WARNING: there is inappropriate language in a comment someone posted about the video.) So I want to try doing a weekly shot. That would be only about 36 photos.

263 days to go.

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